The Lincoln Park Public Schools has two proposals on the May 7, 2024 Ballot. They are:
- Safe, Dry, Warm - Renew and Restore
- Sinking Fund - Renewal
Both of these proposals are no tax increase initiatives over what each homestead property tax paying resident currently pays. A vote of YES on both proposals will result in no tax increases to the residents while providing funding for the school district that will be and can only be used for facility improvements. Some of the proposed facility improvements include:
- Secure Vestibules at buildings without
- HVAC and Ventilation Upgrades
- Plumbing Upgrades
- Bathroom Upgrades
- Electrical Upgrades
- Lighting Upgrades
- Ceiling Upgrades
- Flooring Upgrades
- Safety expansion in buildings at capacity
- Athletic field upgrades (safety)
- Instructional Technology where needed
Below is a slideshow of some sample pictures of projects recently completed and funded by the original Safe, Dry, Warm Bond in 2019 and the Renewal of the Sinking Fund in 2014.